#25 is on it’s way…

#25: Make a dramatic physical change (that isn’t weight related)

When I turned 21, I was not into alcohol.  Crazy, I know.  At that point in my life, I literally saw alcohol as empty calories and decided that my 21st birthday was not meant to be spent drinking.  So, I found the most random hair salon in San Diego and booked an appointment to have some color added to my hair. I wanted to do something very different, out of my comfort zone because lets face it, I am one of the shiest people on the planet.

Anyhow, I decided on adding a few spots of blue to my hair. Or green.  However you want to classify the color really. I loved it.  There were hints of it in my bangs, two spots on each side of my head, and one underneath all of my hair that would peak out every once in a while, especially if I had my hair in a ponytail.


My mom was not my biggest fan, and my parents first heard about it when my cousin told her Dad, who told my Dad, that I had colored my whole head blue. It was quite the story, and hilarious now when we look back on it.  Anyhow, I loved my hair like that.  It gave me the kind of spice that I needed to allow me to believe that being a unique individual is a good thing.  I had always been embarrassed of anything about myself but this gave me something to embrace.  I still does.

So, I think I’m going to do it again.  I’ve been loving the color purple lately so I decided to experiment with some very temporary purple hair color to my hair.  I will need to bleach some areas to really make it stand out, because right now it doesn’t.  I obviously highlighted these photos to make the purple stand out and I really really like it.  I’m going to get some permanent areas and I’m excited for it!

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I will make sure to post some of the finished hair changes when I get it done.

Oh ANNNNNDDDDDD #9 almost happened last weekend (Get a hummingbird tattoo)…but, I found out a few days before I had SHINGLES! That goes to show you what happens when you let stress get the best of you.  The shingles was the biggest sign to me that with all the things going on and I thought I was dealing with it mentally, apparently I wasn’t and it manifested itself physically.  Time to chill out then, right?  Gave me the courage to really stand up for myself and take care of my body.

So, the tattoo is on hold…but this will be what it is going to be based off of:

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Isn’t he the coolest? The Marvelous Spatuletail Hummingbird….Saw this beauty in Peru and cannot get enough of them.  Beauty, strength, and grace.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get the tattoo soon, as my shingles are finally on the mend after almost a month!

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